If this is the first time creating an online marketing video, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. Not to worry, before you know it, you will be a regular pro and creating all kinds of great movies. To get you started we want to share with you 5 tips to get you started.

Making an Online Marketing Video

#1 Give Video a Try Right Now
The best tip anyone can give you is to simply give video a try right now. The idea of doing video can be daunting. Don’t worry, there’s no need for you to have professional equipment, expert editing skills, fancy scripts, or special software. You don’t have to be super confident either. Just make a video of something relevant to your business. That’s a great place to start.

#2 Use Google Search for Your Story Line
If you are not ready to be the person on your video and you want to get your first video out there, why not use Google search results to pull up relevant results. If you want to be really creative, you can use Google blogs, maps, news, images, etc. It’s a great way to provide the visual for your video when you are first starting out.

#3 Have a Cheerleader for Your Company
You need someone that will “rah rah” your company, who will? Even when you have sales or marketing professionals on your team, they aren’t always the best candidate to represent your company. Think for a minute about all of your staff. Who is the one who bring a smile to everyone’s face? Who is the one that’s a natural in front of the camera? That’s who should be the cheerleader for your company.

#4 Always be Transparent
If you want to succeed with your videos, you need to be authentic and transparent. Your visitors will know if you are not and they will abandon you for someone who is. Develop relationships with your visitors and build a community because that community can generate you a very nice income over time.

#5 Publish on a Regular Basis
Producing video can be a challenge but it is one of the best ways to increase you customer base and sales. One of the best tips I can share with you is to publish regularly. Start publishing today, and keep publishing. Don’t worry, even if you are using your smartphone to do it, just get it done and get your video message out to the world.

More Info: Beginners Online Video Marketing Tips

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