There’s a lot of talk around earning money through the Amazon affiliate program. The amount you earn can vary from a couple hundred to a full time income. Here are some great tips to help you improve your earnings from Amazon affiliate program. Let’s have a look.

* Build Yourself a Good Email List – Over the years you might have heard this before. It’s not new, but it is much easier when you have a website that is focused on selling a physical product compared to digital products. That’s because people have their guard up when it comes to digital products like eBooks and how to courses. A great way to get your email list going is to offer something for free. It might be a report on a product, a buyer’s guide, etc. Anything that offers the consumer useful information works well. Email lists can be responsible for up to 10 percent of your income. That’s a nice chunk.

* Take Advantage of Holidays with Your Own Promos – It’s pretty common to have thousand dollar days during some of the main holidays like Cyber Week or Black Friday Week. While other holidays like Valentines Day or Mother’s Day are less, they are still much higher than the average day, and can be even higher if you create your own promos. Target every single holiday to get the most out of holiday revenues. You might do an article talking about the top 5 products and distribute it for Black Friday. You might offer a free item for Mother’s Day. You could offer discounts. It’s up to you ? but don’t be afraid to think outside the box, and do make sure you take advantage of the opportunity that holidays brings to you.

* Increase Product Sales to Make More Money – While this might seem pretty straight forward, the fact is that the commission rate changes with the more you sell, and that higher percentage means higher earnings for you. The rate for general merchandise is 4 percent and can climb to 8 percent with high sales. During holidays, you can actually reach that 8 percent with a lot less effort. Selling just 7 items in a month takes you to a 6 percent commission. Wow! Only 7 items. So you can see why holidays can be a real benefit to your income.

There you have it – just a few tips to help you improve your earnings with Amazon affiliate. You too could make a full time income off the Amazon site like so many others are already doing.


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